Hey, this is Allen with the B2B Vault Podcast here with another episode. Today we’re going to talk about ACH automated clearing house, or sometimes referred to as ACH. This is a great way for businesses to lower the cost of credit card processing by offering credit cards and ACH. It’s popular now to add a fee to your credit card processing. Even in the B2B world or in other types of businesses where you’re collecting a large payment from somebody and it’s 2% or 3% to process your credit card.
We’ll process your ACH for free or even try to push many of your clients to do ACH versus a credit card. And this is a great way to lower the cost. The overall cost that you’re paying with credit cards. We help you because we’re consultants here at nationwide payment systems and the payment advisory board. And, you know, we take a look at everything that you’re doing in your business. And we check like, oh, how many transactions are you doing? How much business are you doing? How many people are mailing you checks and things like that? And try to show you how we can help you set up a payment portal on your website. This payment portal allows people to come in and then make a choice. Do I want to pay with a credit card or do I want to pay with ACH? This is a great way for businesses to lower their costs when it comes to accepting different types of payments today.
I always tell business owners, one of the things I’m going to talk about is, you know, how businesses need to adapt more to the consumers. Consumers want to pay in all different kinds of ways. So business owners need to adapt to that. They need to change what they’re doing. Don’t just say, oh, I only take credit cards, right? You know, take a, you need to take ACH. There are other alternative payments that you can, that you can take in your business.