
In today’s podcast and video, we are going to talk about B2B – Business To Business Payments.

When it comes to financial decisions in your business you want to work with an expert, and someone

puts your bestinterests, needs and goals first. We valueyour business and creating and maintaining lifelongrelationships with clients

You will learn about our process – discovery call – technology – the consumerization of B2B Payments and more!

B2B spending and paying electronically was on the rise before Covid and it’s been booming ever since!

With so many companies having remote workers it is important that you have the right technology to meet the

needs of your business and the expectations of your customers.

Check out ourwebsite – www.npsbank.com/b2b

Follow us on social media, click follow on the podcast, check out the videos on youtube or on our website.

Book an appointment with one of our experts or Allen and we can explain how we can help your business

and get you on your way to consumerizing your payments!