In today’s podcast, we are doing the payment news roundup, where we find stories that affect businesses and are related to the payments.
The first story is about the infrastructure bill and some crazy tax in there on the unrealized gains on CryptoCurrency expect this to go to court – it’s totally out of control – if you own crypto follow this story.
The second story is about how the city of Miami is mining bitcoin and now going to distribute this coin to the citizens in the city of Miami – I am not sure how they are going to accomplish this along with having some “Miami Coin” So how much electricity did the city use to mine these coins and did they make a profit or is the Mayor just talking?
Buy Now Pay Later – BNPL – First the credit card companies were against it and requested that congress looks into it.. and surprise – Now MasterCard is jumping in – how fast can they move or can they keep up with all the Fintech companies in the space currently
Thanks for listening – You can always book a 15-minute consultation at our website – we can talk to you about alternative payments that you can accept in your business and more!