Hello, Allen Kopelman here today. B2B Vault the crypto series. This is part three. We’re going to be talking about charities and nonprofits, the B2B vol educational information for business owners and merchants, the payment technology podcasts. So today let’s talk about charities and nonprofits charities and nonprofits. How do they get paid? People write checks, people pay with a credit card. People go online. You know what? There’s a new thing that you can do with your charity. Take cryptocurrency. There are tons of people out there with crypto and guess what they want to get. They want to do something with it. Why not take donations for your, for your nonprofit? We can get it, we can show you how to put this up on your website.
[B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast] B2B Vault Episode 25: The Crypto Biz Series Part 3 – Charities & Non-Profits
by digital1380 | Nov 23, 2021 | Uncategorized