In today’s podcast – is a celebration of Thanks! –
What am I thankful for… many things … here is a list…
Thankful for my family, being in business for 20 years with my business partner Dave. Thank you – and shout out to my office staff – Samantha and Justin. Samantha makes all of our graphics and Justin makes websites and does all the technical stuff with the podcast and videos. Thanks to Rocky who wakes me up and makes me walk him 3-4 miles a day…
In this podcast episode, I am sharing today some of my favorite sayings- that I say all the time and some short stories about them.
Also sharing some of my favorite books that I have shared with many people in my life – staff, friends, and clients.
Enjoy the podcast – Happy Thanksgiving – Happy Holidays from me and the crew at Nationwide Payment Systems and B2B Vault
Carpe Diem – Sieze the day!
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