B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast, we are bringing business owners educational information about the business, payments, Fintech, technology, Defi, and more – everything you need to know about business and payments.
Welcome to our Monthly Edition of Payment Trends from B2B Vault. We talk about what is going on in the news – technology and government that can affect small to medium-sized (SMB) business owners. Today’s podcast will talk about Fintech – which seems to be a big Buzz Word for 2022 – everything Payments is Fintech!
- Contactless Payments are going to a new level.
- Business to Business payments is on the rise.
- Cryptocurrency and NFTs are in the news.
- How are companies preparing to accept cryptocurrency?
- How businesses sell NFTs to get you access to Hotel – Restaurants, Nightclubs, and Events.
- How owning these NFTs gets you unique amenities and more!
- Open banking seems to be in the news, and how people will do their banking in the future.
- What are regulators going to do about it?
- Also, the marrying of Fintech and Banking.
- Are passwords going away in favor of other technology? We discuss this, and there is a need for something new to secure things!
Congress has also passed one law requiring businesses to accept cash and another Bill to legalize Cannabis. We need these bills to go to the house floor – Senate and get signed into law along with an update to the Farm Bill to expand CBD- HEMP industry.
Cross-border – international transactions have been in the news and on the rise! We talk about how businesses in the USA can safely do business on a worldwide stage.
Carpe Diem – Seize The Day – Peace out – enjoy the podcast.