Today we are going to duke it out with Senator Richard Dick Durbin over the new bill he is trying to trick everyone with.
Tricky Dick is what they called Richard Nixon – but we can call Dick Durbin – Tricky Dick -he is trying to Trick us all once again!
You fooled us once Tricky Dick – now you are going for round 2 – NO THANKS
Your new amendment to the Electronic Fund Transfer ACT is total BS!
This is a new Trick – he is saying once again how this will help small businesses he has no interest in helping small businesses
He is in bed with Banks or some other special interest group – this is payments discussion is going to be political – Joe Biden the current POTUS
Is from Delaware and when he was in Congress as a Senator he was in bed with all the banks and credit card issuers – most of them are located in Delaware.
So it’s getting hot.. You can’t blame Visa and MasterCard for Inflation – they do not raise the prices of goods and services!
And furthermore – Visa and MasterCard are public companies – which are owned by the “PUBLIC” these stocks are in our 401K’s IRA’s, Mutual Funds etc…
Do not let congress fool you that these are evil companies who overcharge people – No in fact if you tune in and listen I explain who is getting all the money
and we will be posting a detailed article soon that will go over exactly what went on with the Durbin Amendment and what he is going to do with this piece of trash.
And if Senator Durbin would like to come on the podcast – I would happily debate him
Have great weekend – and thanks for listening to Fintech Friday’s with Allen and Justin
Carpe Diem – Peace Out