Hey everybody! What’s up! It’s Justin Live from B2B Vault to payment technology podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman. We’ll provide you with educational information about the payments business, FinTech, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses used in today’s world.
And in today’s podcast, we’ll discuss small businesses and mobile payments. There are many ways you could get paid as a small business owner. Now, people are using PayPal, Square, and Stripe cash app, you name it. There are lots of different ways to get paid. So, we’re here to educate businesses on the other more traditional ways of getting paid, you could say, right? Yeah! Like every morning, I start off my day. I walk Rocky early in the morning, and this morning I was scrolling through Facebook, and I came across this reel, had a really cool song by this guy. I’ll butcher his name L O U Y A H.
But if you go to Rocky, B2B Vault mascot on Instagram, I’ll share it on the B2B Vault page. Okay! A little real, and he has like a cool song, and I was listening to him. I go, wow, it’s really cool. It’s uplifting. It’s a good song. And the guy said he was number four on iTunes. I’ve never even heard of him. It’s amazing with like social media, right? Yeah. All of a sudden, boom somebody’s discovered. The same thing, like people I hear from people all the time, they’re like, oh, I. I get messages on LinkedIn. Oh, I checked out your podcast. It was really cool! We’re working with a couple of clients right now and that’s how they found us through the podcast.
Very nice. So, it’s, it’s really interesting, so I always like to talk about small business and what is a small business? People don’t get it! Like a small business can be, anything can be your side hustle. Can be a business you run out of your house, could be a mobile business that you run before you even get it. And it’s very popular now, not even to have an office. I think the pandemic really accelerated. People into a small business. A lot of people now are like left their job, decided, hey, I’m going to start a small business. I’m going to go out and, create a business online, with a website or, I’m going to provide a service, whatever that service is and go out and get my customers. And then you got to deal with payments. Payments are a piece of your business that you really need to look at. And I always try to tell people, I go, if you have a quality payment method that you’re using with your customers depend depends on what you’re selling.