
Today we are going to talk about the MPC Digital Payments Event in Atlanta, GA

Shoutout to the MPC Staff!!!

Enjoy the discussion about all of the subjects covered over 3 days

There were a few buzz words that were mentioned quite a few times, Frictionless Wallet Payments, Omni Channel, Mobile Payments, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse, Web3, Encryption, Payments going out to employees and gig workers.

Merchant Accounts vs Payfac and Platforms and Software

I was on a panel about how customer pay at the point of sale – in person or on the web, how people and businesses pay at bill.

Fraud was discussed and how to combat that and what will the next steps the card schemes are looking into – biometrics, AI solutions and more for e-commerce and banking.

Product discussions included:

  • What do business want?
  • What do consumers want from businesses as far as payment and customer interaction?
  • In-store pickup – delivery – shipped – curbside pickup – payment options as well.
  • What do people expect with a business to business payment?

Technology is moving fast – innovation is a level 10

Watch for our new platform – which will get you a merchant account in approx 10 minutes

To find out more about what we are doing – text book to (954) 827-9818

Enjoy the podcast!

Carpe Diem – Peace out

Allen & Justin