This podcast had a long title – it involves different business types and how you can save a lot of money on your credit card processing.
The credit card brands Visa and MasterCard have a list of emerging businesses where there is not a lot of credit card volume. They call those businesses emerging markets and get special “Interchange fees,” which we discuss in the podcast.
Interchange is the bulk of the bill you are paying to your credit card processor – but in some cases, if you are $25K or more -and you are in one of the following businesses, you can save quite a bit of money, making it worth your while to call us and learn more.
- Insurance companies
- Fuel Dealers – not limited to gas stations
- Child Care Services
- Subscription services
- Direct Marketing
- Telecommunications
- Education
- Schools
- Utilities
- Government
- Charities
- Non-Profits
Just like a CPA saves you money on your taxes, we are the cost cutters when it comes to Interchange and uncovering the opportunities to get your business lower Interchange fees.
Besides these businesses, quite a few other companies have special Interchange fees, and we work very hard to keep track of the changes. We can identify an opportunity when we look at a statement.
Also, technology is always a consideration, so we ensure you have the best technology for your business solution.
Text “Book” to (954) 827-9818 to learn more!
Carpe Diem – Peace
Allen & Justin