
Today’s podcast talks about what is happening in today’s economy, how it will affect businesses, and what they can do with technology to keep up.

Inflation and rising prices will trickle down to everyone sooner or later. It’s time to start thinking about making a pivot in your business – being proactive is better than being reactive.

One of my favorite business books is who moved my cheese, and the ideas and concepts in that book have shaped many business decisions.

We go into what is going on in the economy and what different business types can do – now automation, kiosks, new services, marketing, and more. Justin and I discuss various ways you can use technology to help run your business.

Nationwide Payment Systems offer a variety of services and consulting that can assist you in finding the right technology for your business.


Book an appointment with Allen – https://linktr.ee/allenkopelman

Enjoy the podcast – follow here – https://pod.link/1589977495

Have a great day – Carpe Diem – Seize the day!

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