
In today’s podcast, we talk about Payment Trends in the News.

What’s new with Blockchain, Crypto, and Metaverse? It’s exciting to see trademarks and patents filed by card brands and banks.

Mastercard is partnering with many Cryptocurrency Wallets so users can get credit cards or debit cards.

NFT Payments using Credit Cards have a growing interest from MasterCard.

Buy Now Pay Later is growing and continues to be a big news story

as more businesses start to offer that to their clients.

We talk more about our trip to Bitcoin 2022, which dominates the news.

Cryptocurrency Acceptance at businesses is on the rise!

Interchange rates for merchants are on the rise, and business owners can do to control their costs.

Marijuana is in the news as the House of Representatives sends a bill to the Senate.

Farm Bill 2023 – we discuss possible changes that are on the way to loosen up regulation!

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