
Today we dive into the Payment Trends for June 2022

Safe Banking Act – what has been going on there.

Buy Now Pay Later – Going Strong

Is your business ready for an offering?

Get in touch with us!

FDA & Delta 8: They sent out a warning at the time of the podcast!

Next, the DEA — says as long as it’s hemp-derived, they are Ok with it.

That is hot off the press.

B2B Payments In The News:

We discuss how companies must make the “PIVOT” and get with the program! Consumerize – your business payments! Stop taking paper checks.

We talk about Cryptocurrency and what is happening – lots of ups and downs, how businesses can use Cryptocurrency to get more sales.

Luxury Real Estate and using Crypto as Payment NFTs and what is next

Fintech In The News:

Payfac in the news – it is a growing way of doing business in the payment space.

I hope you enjoy the podcast today! It’s a great discussion.

Have a great day – Carpe Diem – Seize the Day
































