
Today we are diving into Cryptocurrency and Real Estate on B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast.

Being involved in the Payments Industry for over 20 years, it is always interesting when new technology or a new payment type enters the market.

Cryptocurrency was the rage – then the prices went up and down like a yo-yo and now are staying down – primarily due to regulation. But that will not stop business, luxury, and real estate transactions anytime soon.

At the time of the podcast, we checked cryptocurrency transactions for the day, and over $47 Trillion had traded hands that day! So there is a lot of Cryptocurrency spent Worldwide!

We also talked about a $22.5 Million real estate sale in Miami all using Crypto and another sale in Tampa where a home was sold as n NFT for $654K.

We talk about the following:

  • What is a taxable event?
  • How to do a Crypto transaction and not create a taxable event?
  • Who is using Crypto and why?
  • Why is Crypto and Real Estate hot?
  • Payment Processing Trends
  • Much more…

We offer Cryptocurrency to Fiat (US Dollar) transactions services so if you are a business and you are interested in accepting Cryptocurrency at your business.

Click here to set up an appointment.