
Tales from the vault with Allen Kopelman, Being in the payments industry, I have seen Point-of-Sale systems evolve over the last 21 years. Before being in the payment industry – I was a Chef and Restaurant owner and worked in Hotels and restaurants.

We dive in and talk about my early experience with point-of-sale systems and how they have evolved over the many years of business in the food industry and then the payments industry. We tell some exciting stories in the podcast and dive into today’s ever-changing technology. We will dive in and discuss the many point-of-sale systems designed for just about every industry!

Next month I will be on a panel discussion at the Mobile Payments Conference 2022. This year will focus on the current and future applications of alternative payment technologies in established economies and emerging markets. If you would like to book a call, text BOOK to (954) 827-9818 We can discuss the latest technology and match you with the best point of sale systems for your business.

Carpe Diem

Have a great day!