In today’s podcast, we are discussing High-Risk Merchant Accounts.
Talking about everything you wanted to know but weren’t sure what to ask.
Just because you are in a high-risk business and think you might need a High-Risk Merchant Account, that might not be the case. Industries such as Adult, Dating, Legal, CBD, HEMP, Cannabis Related, Crypto, Crypto Related, Nutra, Supplements, Doc Prep, or any other non-traditional business. That doesn’t mean you have to pay the excessive fees typical processors charge.
Some banks are friendly to your NICHE, and you have to work with the right consultant to find a merchant account provider that is familiar with your space. We are not brokers; we are the direct source with direct contracts with some of the best processors and banking partners that money can buy. We help you through the entire process, and professionals will set up your account upon approval.
We also help you fight chargebacks and fraud with the latest solutions; a lot of new technology can help businesses level the playing field.
Enjoy the podcast and if you want to book an appointment – go to the site or text the word book to (954) 827-9818
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