Past Episodes
B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast provides educational information for business owners about merchant services and the technology surrounding them. If you own a business and process credit cards and you want to find out about the latest trends and technology for businesses this is the podcast for you!
B2B Vault Episode 86: The Future Of Credit Card Machines & How We Take Payments
In today's episode of B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast, Allen & Justin discuss The Future Of Credit Card Machines & How We Make Payments. What is the future of credit card machines? It looks like they are on the way out. What is happening? QR CODE...
B2B Vault Episode 85: Stripe, Square, PayPal Or A Merchant Account? What’s Best For Your Busines???
Today we are discussing what is the best option for your business when it comes to payments. We are diving into Paypal, Square, Stripe, or a merchant account and how these companies work; what are the differences so you can make an informed decision. Allen Kopelman...
B2B Vault Episode 84: Congress & Credit Card Fees
On a lighter note, we're going to jump right into it. And we're going to talk about Dick Durban and how much he's in the news. Again, that guy is just fantastic. Huh? First of all, I don't understand why he's on the judiciary committee. The guy has a financial...
B2B Vault Episode 83: How To Prevent Fraud In Your Business
Today we are diving into the world of online fraud - and how you can spot it and prevent yourself, your loved ones, and your business from being ripped off. We really got fired up talking about this one! Follow us on Social Media: Facebook -...
B2B Vault Episode 82: 12 Payment Processing Facts Every Small Business Owner Should Know
In today's episode of the B2B Vault Podcast, we will give you 12 processing facts you need to know as a business owner. When opening a merchant account, these are the frequently asked questions. So sit back and listen, and you will learn what it takes to get set up....
B2B Vault Episode 81: Learn How To Get Approved For A CBD Merchant Account
In today's podcast, we dive into the world of CBD, HEMP, Smoke Shops, and Kratom. We will talk about what is going on with the FDA, FTC, DEA, FBI, and the USDA. This industry has the most government agencies watching it - also state, local, and the federal government...