Past Episodes
B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast provides educational information for business owners about merchant services and the technology surrounding them. If you own a business and process credit cards and you want to find out about the latest trends and technology for businesses this is the podcast for you!
B2B Vault Episode 74: Congress Stumbles Over Credit Card Fees
Hey everybody, it's Justin from B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman. We'll provide you with educational information about business payments, FinTech, financial technology, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses need...
B2B Vault Episode 73: Payments As A Service Explained
In today's podcast, we are talking about payments as a service. You will learn how this can help many different types of businesses as we discuss the features. Payments as a service is an incredible service that most business owners are not aware of. We have a...
B2B Vault Episode 72: Small Business Week Special Part 2
Hey everybody. What's up? It's Justin from B2B Vault with your host Allen Kopelman. We'll be providing you educational information about business payments, FinTech, or financial technology, DeFi or decentralized finance, and the technology businesses need in today's...
B2B Vault Episode 71: Small Business Week Special Part 1
In Today's Podcast, we celebrate and talk about Small Business Week. I talk about my business journey, and we will be giving some shoutouts during the podcast to local business owners that we work with. SupremeClean - - they clean our offices and do a...
B2B Vault Episode 70: How to supercharge your Software/ISV company?
Hey, what's up. Everybody is Justin here with B2B vault, the payment technology podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman. We'll be providing educational information about business payments, FinTech, financial technology, decentralized finance, and the technology...
B2B Vault Episode 69: Payment Technology Trends April 2022
In today's podcast, we talk about Payment Trends in the News. What's new with Blockchain, Crypto, and Metaverse? It's exciting to see trademarks and patents filed by card brands and banks. Mastercard is partnering with many Cryptocurrency Wallets so users can get...